


there is a new contest in town:

how many stick figures can you draw in 30 seconds?

no rules, just stick figures. the winner* will get a special prize (something cool i promise)
the losers will all have the distinct honor of having their stick figures posted on the site over the next week or so.

i urge you to challenge your friends and family members. nothing says competition like drawing stick figures. i also urge you to challenge random people in the streets, and on the CU30S site. think that last post makes a mockery out of everything your stick figures stand for? think that isn't even a freaking stick figure at all? then you sir/madame must defend your honor.

*bonus points for super creative submissions.


Sean! said...

bring it on!!!!!!

Nels said...

What is required to make an official stick figure? I'm thinking Head, body, 2 arms, 2 legs?

cornbread hell said...

i sent mine...

Sean! said...

i'm thinking that nels' question is up for debate. i think there will be a lot of people doing what nels described, but i already have some submissions that defy that style. we'll see what the people of the internet like when the day is done...

more to come.

Thunder Rabbit said...

I got something like 20, and put it on my CU30S wiki page!